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世界杯买球平台On November 22, the symposium on the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2019 was held in Beijing.会上,《中国科学报》记者获悉,2019年中国科学院院士补选共产生了64名中国科学院院士。

据报道,2019年中国科学院院士补选工作于2019年1月1日正式启动中国科学院院士,中国工程,经过推荐、沟通评审、公示、会议审议、全体院士终选投票等程序共评选出64名中国科学院院士。 其中,数理系11人,化学系10人,生命科学与医学系10人,地球科学系11人,信息技术系7人,信息技术系15人。技术科学系。 Among the newly elected academicians, 6 are female;平均年龄55.7岁,最小42岁,最大67岁,60岁以下87.5%。

Bai Chunli, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Executive Chairman of the Presidium of the Faculty, presented the academician certificate to the newly elected academician and delivered a speech.白春礼转达十九届四中全会和习近平总书记关于科技创新工作的重要指示,转达习近平总书记的贺信、李克强总理的重要指示本月初,刘鹤副总理就中国科学院成立70周年作出重要批示。讲话精神,我代表中国科学院主席团和中国科学院,欢迎大家加入中国科学院这个大家庭。他在讲话中提出中国科学院院士,中国工程,广大院士要切实担负起新时代赋予我们的重大使命,把党和国家的期望和信任转化为推动科技创新的强大动力。建设世界科技强国,实现中华民族伟大复兴。梦想继续做出应有的贡献。

世界杯买球平台Bai Chunli pointed out that the newly elected academicians, as members of the big family of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, should inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the department, cherish the honor of academicians, strengthen the construction of work style用实际行动做学风,做弘扬科学家精神、维护科学道德的带头人。例子。 He emphasized that newly elected academicians should guard against arrogance and impatience, make persistent efforts, take the elected academicians as a new starting point, continue to climb the peak of science and technology, play a good academic leading role, and be a pioneer in scientific和技术创新。 He pointed out that the newly elected academicians should vigorously cultivate and support young talents, promote the construction of scientific and technological talent team and the sustainable development of scientific and technological innovation, and be committed to supporting future learning. He also emphasized that the Faculty is the highest consulting organization in my country in terms of science and technology, and newly elected academicians should actively participate in the work of the Faculty, take the initiative to undertake the tasks of the Faculty, and be a new大力推进国家高水平科技智库建设。


At the meeting, the newly elected academicians signed the Academician Commitment Letter, promising to follow the "Articles of Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences", correctly exercise the rights of academicians, fulfill the obligations of academicians, cherish the honor of院士中国科学院院士,中国工程,树立道德楷模。

世界杯买球平台据悉,为贯彻落实党中央、国务院有关精神和要求,中科院特制定了《增选特别推荐意见评价暂行办法》 “中国科学院院士”,专门推荐和评价从事国家特殊领域的候选人,增加今年通过特别推荐机制选举产生的候选人共5人。同时,中国科学院主席团不断加大对新兴学科和交叉学科的支持力度。今年,选举了与新兴和跨学科研究有关的几名候选人,其中有4名候选人是通过新兴和跨学科的建议评估机制选出的。


世界杯买球平台在所有院士投票后,2019年总共有20位中国科学院的外国院士。 、奥地利、巴基斯坦、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、荷兰、加拿大、瑞典、意大利和英国; Kazakhstan and Italy are the first Some scientists were elected as foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;选举了来自“皮带和道路”国家的5名候选人; Bernard L. Feringa、Jieha Morrow 和 Carl Barry Sharpless 被授予诺贝尔奖获得者。


会议由中国科学院副院长丁忠礼主持。 The members of the Presidium of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2019 attended the meeting.

世界杯买球平台11月22日,中国工程院公布了2019年院士补选结果。 There are 75 newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, including 10 from the Department of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, 9 from the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, 9 from the Department of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 9 from the Department能源与采矿工程专业,土木水利与建筑系9人。工程系学生8人,环境与纺织工程系学生7人,农业系学生7人,医药卫生系学生10人,工程管理系学生6人。


Among the 75 newly elected academicians, 69 are male, accounting for 92%;女性6人,占8%。其中,48名“60后”成为主力军,占比64%; “50后”23人,占比30.7%;另外还有2个“70后”和2个“40后”;选举了更多优秀的年轻和中年工程科学和技术专家。

Among the newly elected academicians, 37 are from colleges and universities, accounting for 49.3%;科研院所22人,占比29.3%; 16家来自企业和医院,占169.3%。 2 1. 3%,包括来自私营企业的2位工程专家。



据了解,2019年院士补选工作于今年年初正式启动后,通过院士提名和相关学术团体提名,共提名有效候选人531人。 After two rounds of evaluation, the election of various departments, and the final election of the whole academician meeting, 75 newly elected academicians were elected.

